Epic adventures in the Masai Mara – Kenya January 2020

January 2020 – FINALLY! After a lifetime of waiting I made it to Kenya. Ever since I watched Born Free as a little girl I had wanted to go to Africa and Kenya in particular. Fortunately for me I was able to combine my love of horseback riding with a safari. We had a bit of bad luck with the weather as we experienced unseasonal rains that made some of the “roads” impassable so we camped at 2 of the 4 locations that were on the itinerary. The second location – along the banks of the Mara River – was idyllic though and I was mesmerized daily by the sounds and sights of the hippos on land and in the water.

We started off with a long flight and a short night on arrival, but got an early start on a “bush flight” to the Mara and soon found ourselves in the most amazing savannahs of the Masai Mara. We rode daily and had encounters with every animal one could hope to see in Kenya – lion, lion cubs, elephants upon elephants, leopard, cheetah, hippos, birds of all sizes and description including ostrich, jackals, mongoose, every kind of antelope and gazelle the Mara has to offer and even a mother giraffe and her newborn calf.

The mobile camping experience may not be for everyone, but I couldn’t have been happier. The joy of being in nature with all of the sights and sounds, no light pollution, glorious meals cooked to perfection over camp fires and in a camp oven, time to read and relax and not be concerned with electronics and the pull of modern day worries was pure bliss.

After 8 nights in the Mara we returned to Nairobi to experience the capitol city for some history, shopping and dining for a few nights before returning home. Kenya has left an indelible impression on my heart and I can’t wait to return!

I would love to hear from you if you are interested in planning a safari – horseback or not! Please use the form below to inquire about a Complimentary Consultation Call.

I would love to hear from you if you are interested in planning a safari – horseback or not! Please contact us to inquire about a Complimentary Consultation Call.

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