Frequently Asked Questions

We provide expert advice, curation and booking services. It is our feeling that your travel planning should be handled by a professional and protected as an investment. Additionally, access to our contacts and relationships give our clients an added advantage. We provide personalized service leading up to travel, 24/7 service (from us and/or your on site provider) while traveling and we go above and beyond to make sure your travel experience is managed perfectly.

We provide our clients with a 1-888 number and a travel app with a messaging service. All issues of a legitimate nature will be addressed as quickly as possible.

All documents obtained on behalf of our clients are housed in their personalized Portal and itineraries will be available via the Travefy app or hard copy (if requested for an extra fee).

Travel insurance is always included in the proposal for your itinerary. If you only want travel insurance outside of a personalized itinerary we are happy to provide a quote free of charge. Please inquire. *NOTE - Travel insurance sold by the airlines or cruise lines is not always the best option.


A non-refundable travel consulting fee is required for all services provided by Cline & Co Travel Consulting. Fees are discussed during the complimentary consultation and cover personalized itineraries, hotel reservations, contact with suppliers, transportation coordination and often other necessities required to formulate and execute the perfectly curated itinerary. Travel planning involves expertise, time and expense and therefore if a trip is cancelled fees may not be used on a future itinerary of a different nature. Cline & Co offers professional services for discerning travelers that want their planning and travel experience to be seamless and stress free.


All suppliers have their own cancellation policies, which apply to your booking. Should a cancellation become necessary you must inform Cline & Co. in writing via email. You will receive a confirmation of such. Different suppliers, airlines, cruise lines, DMCs and hotels have different cancellation and refund policies. Cline & Co is not responsible for a supplier’s failure to pay a refund.


Depending on the complexity of the travel arrangements a cancellation fee starting at $50 per person per itinerary may be imposed. This will be addressed before deposits are accepted and cancellation fees will be quoted. Re-booking fees may be assessed at a rate of 50% of the original fee for the same itinerary.


When travel reservations are cancelled and possibly re-booked there is time involved just as there was to book the travel initially. Cline & Co works with a small selected clientele in order to provide excellent service before, during and after travel. These fees are necessary to continue to deliver the level of service our clients expect and deserve. These fees are in addition to any cancellation fees, penalties or other charges that may be due to the suppliers of contracted travel services provided in their own terms and conditions.

More Questions? Reach out – We Love to Talk Travel!

Cline & Co. Travel Consulting

p: (888) 409-0041


Gifted Travel Network
A preferred partner of:
Marriott International Belmond Four Seasons
Virtuoso Adventure Travel Certified Journeys Specialist Aussie Specialist Vasta Verified APTA