Solio Game Reserve and Lodge – Nyeri, Kenya

This is the first Rhino I have ever seen in the wild! I will never forget the first moment he popped his head out from behind a big thicket of bushes at Solio Ranch and Lodge in Nyeri, Kenya. Then came the other two parts of the family – Mom and baby. What a moment! We sat and watched and for probably 30 minutes. Amazing how relaxed they were around us. Dad even decided to lay down and take a nap. As the morning went on we saw more and more —- absolutely beautiful animals! Have a private guide (Gordie Church of Safari’s Unlimited) and his wife Felicia with us made it even more special. Felicia was the first to spot them and Gordie knows everything there is to know about them it seems and how to get you in the right position for the perfect camera shots. All the rhino we saw where white rhino – even though black rhino were there as well, they spend more of their time hidden.

In addition to the rhino, we saw Waterbuck, a gorgeous old “dagga boy” (A Dagga Boy, (“Dagga” referring either to mud or as a slang term for crazy), is a bull who has left the breeding herd in his old age) Cape Buffalo, reticulated giraffe, Oryx (that actually let us get close enough to photograph them and two young male lion that had just enjoyed a big feed. Gordie pointed out to us the spots still visible on the young males and their manes just starting to come in.

After the incredible morning of game viewing we went to Solio Lodge for lunch, which was delicious by the way! After which, I was able to get a tour of one of the cottages. Every room faces the game reserve and has a wall of glass looking out on the property. I can only describe it as sublime and that doesn’t do it justice. The game reserve is 19,000 acres surrounded by, 45,000 acres of ranch. It is a unique experience to say the least and four nights is the recommended length for a stay. Guests regularly arrive and depart via helicopter, take part in guided walks, horseback riding, mountain biking and trips to the Aberdare’s for some of Kenya’s premier trout fishing.

I could go on and on, but I won’t – just do yourself a favor and put this magical place on your bucket list!

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