Next stop Borana!

Borana Lodge and Conservancy is a HUGE success story in Kenya. The brainchild of Michael Dyer, a third generation Kenyan, Borana is home to a thriving population of over 200 back and white rhino.

In addition the conservancy includes a working cattle ranch and Waitabit Farm, Kenya’s largest permaculture project. This gives the lodge access to fresh organic farm to table fruits, vegetables, eggs and beef for some of the best farm to table fare you will find.

In addition to traditional game drives Borana offers experiences such as Bush walks, rhino tracking, rhino protection ranger deployments and education, horseback riding, mountain biking, farm tours, family and cultural experiences, visits to the Ngare Ndare forest and a spa!

White rhino male that strolled right in front of us one glorious morning!

More soon! Next stop Ol Malo and believe me, you don’t want to miss that!

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