A mere 12 days later…

Last time I wrote I thought I was behind! Obviously, working our way through Kenya and not having WiFi has put a damper on my posts, but it certainly hasn’t put a damper on the experience!

Every stop, experience, meal and new friends made are the stuff that lifetime memories are made from. Solio almost seems a lifetime ago now, but I’ll take you back to the few days following that and slowly bring you up to speed with posts over the next week or so. There is WAY too much for one post!

Aberdare National Park was such a treat! A place we probably never would have visited without the help of friends in the country.

We saw a beautiful herd of elephants in Prince Charles glade along with Buffalo, a giant forest hog and waterbuck. We also saw a Sykes monkey and some interesting birds as well. We practically had the park to ourselves and we the lucky recipients of our friend and professional guide, Gordie Church’s vast knowledge or the flor, fauna and wildlife. A very special day indeed.

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